Let's see, other good news...
I finished the book last Sat. On Monday I got a new Seminary Student-that brings my count up to 4! :-) Chasity has been coming to class with Tara and Marteena, but we made it official and got her on the roll. I admire her for getting up and coming every morning, when she's not even a member (yet!)
Coming out of church Tues. morning the sky was infused with colors-pink, orange, red, yellow. It took my breath away, I've never seen anything like it. Then, Tues. night while driving home from work, there were rainbows! God is an amazing Artist...The World is amazing.
Last night was Andrews Homecoming Game. And what a game! They played the New Orleans Saints. Zach, our Quarterback, scored a touchdown within the first 2 minutes of the game! :-) (Now, you have to know a little background about the Highland Bears to get why this is huge...this is the first year Highland has had a football team play in a league. I have been to every home game, but the first, and they have lost every one, most of the time never scoring). Andrew plays Middle Linebacker and boy he can tackle! It was fun to watch. We won 48-6 (New Orleans finally scored a touch down in the last 3 seconds of the game-talk about exciting...I was happy for them). Also, tonight was the first time we had an announcer and can I tell you what a difference that makes...I could actually follow the game! The Cheerleaders even did a little dance and they introduced the Homecoming Court. Our Quarterback's sister, Victoria Flemming was crowned Queen. The whole night was just plain fun.
And now, it Friday. Who can't love a Friday...it means we survived another week.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Lonnie :-)
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