Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year, A New Decade...

Happy New Year everyone! I took a week and a half off and went to Utah for the holidays. I was suppose to fly out Christmas Eve morning, but was delayed by tornadoes that hit Louisiana (one library director's house was completely destoryed, a church as leveled to the foundation, and I was sitting in the airport watching the rain fall sideways!). I missed my connected flight in Houston and had to find another flight to Salt Lake. I finally got to Utah late, but safe and sound. Elyse had flown in from New York a couple of hours earliear. It was nice. My whole family was together for the first time in a year and a half. We celebrated M's 20th Birthday that night with dinner and presents.

Christmas day was clear and cold. Grandma and Grandpa stopped by for a visit. We ate junk food and watched new videos. We had a Berrett Christmas Party down in Salt Lake. I got to see Lindzey's son, and Elyse, Mom, Dad and I went to see "Planet 51" It was cute!

My parents Ward had a Ski Night up at Beaver Mountain, so we all bundled up and headed up the canyon. I skiied with Dad...It was a blast! (I've never been skiing before...) Another night, we got in the hot tub and relaxed.

New Year's Eve, we all went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays :-) I got pink eye and my eyes were killing me. I finally went to bed at 11 pm, so I didn't get to ring in the New Year, but that's okay.

I got back to LA Sat. night. Mike blessed MaKayla in Church on Sun. And Monday, it was back to Seminary and Work. At work, I'm literally swimming in books that have been piling up on my desk since last week. I'm slowly, but surely, digging my way to my desk. :-)